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ProWein – 16 to 18 March 2025

WEINIMPORT Aktuell 11/2024

Latest market data - September 2024


As part of your media package, we offer you a regular service beyond the fair: As an exhibitor at ProWein, you will have exclusive access to essential market data until the new authorization. This data will deepen your understanding of the wine import market and significantly support your business decisions.

We are pleased to present you with the latest edition of our information service, "WEINIMPORT aktuell" 11/2024. This service is provided in cooperation with the Deutscher Weinbauverband e.V. (DWV) and is specifically tailored to the developments and trends in wine imports to Germany.

Germany as a key market: After the USA, Germany is the second-largest import market for wine worldwide. The data provided here offer deep insights into the market and are a valuable basis for your business decisions.

Exclusivity of Your Access: Please note that this comprehensive information service is exclusively reserved for current exhibitors of ProWein. Access to all current and past issues is available via the Exhibitor Service area at www.prowein.de/2380. Please use your personal ProWein access data for this.

Your feedback on this monthly information service is most welcome.

With best regards,
Your ProWein Team

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40474 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 211 4560-01
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Board of Managing Directors: Wolfram N. Diener (Chairman), Marius Berlemann, Bernhard J. Stempfle

Chairman of Supervisory Board: Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller

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