The horn-silica preparation improves the quality of the plants in regard to ripeness and aroma. For this purpose, powdered quartz is filled into a cow horn and is buried in the ground from spring to autumn to store the cosmic power - including light and heat. Dug out in autumn, the fine horn-silica is stirred rhythmically in water next summer, making it more dynamic and sprayed over the vineyard in the form of a fine mist. Another important preparation is the horn manure, which is supposed to promote soil life and connect the plants more intensively with the soil. The winegrower fills the horns with cow dung to produce the horn manure and buries them over the winter, when the "life powers" withdraw under the ground to receive them. In spring, the fillings are mixed with water and sprayed in the vineyard to intensify the connection between the plants and the soil. In addition, the farm's compost and herbal preparations - such as horsetail and nettle - provide living fertilizers. They are used to protect against fungal infections.
Biodynamic wine-growers use natural rhythms such as the course of the sun and the moon to produce the preparations and to do a lot of other works. For example, growth processes are stimulated at full moon, while ripening processes and quality processes are stimulated at new moon.