{salutation}, We hereby confirm the registration of your binding application for ProWein 2022 as an exhibitor with the joint participation. You will obtain all other important information from the organiser of the joint participation. The ProWein team will be pleased to assist you if you have any questions. Yours sincerely, The ProWein Team {ZB begin} P.S. For further information, you may also contact our representative in your country: {ZB_FIRMENNAME1} Tel.: {ZB_CPTEL} Mail: {ZB_CPEMAIL} {ZB end} {AU_AUFTRAGNR} ##Typ=Anmeldebestaetigung {AU_AUFTRAGSART}## ##Messenummer=1{CUSTOM_MESSENUMMER}## ##Auftragsnummer={AU_AUFTRAGNR}## ##Kundennummer={AU_KUNNR}## ##KundenEMail={Y2_CPEMAIL}## ##Sprache={AU_SPRACHE}## ##AdressId={Y2_ADRESSIDCRM}## ##KontaktpersonenID={Y2_CPIDCRM}## ##Kampagnentitel=AnmeldebestaetigungProWein2022## ##Gruppe=10465## ##Status=erledigt##