In October 2024, 0.910 million hl of wine worth € 218 million were imported and therefore -6.6% less in value and -19.1% less in volume than in the same month last year (October 2023). The average revenue is 239 €/hl, 32 €/hl more than in the same month of the previous year (October 2023).01.12.2024
In September 2024, 1.020 million hl of wine worth € 205 million were imported and therefore -4.9% less in value and -13.8% less in volume than in the same month last year (September 2023). The average revenue is 201 €/hl, 19 €/hl more than in the same month of the previous year (September 2023).01.11.2024
In August 2024, 1.003 million hl of wine worth € 173 million were imported and therefore -13.5% less in value and -15.1% less in volume than in the same month last year (August 2023). The average revenue is 172 €/hl, 3 €/hl more than in the same month of the previous year (August 2023).01.10.2024
In July 2024, 1.233 million hl of wine worth € 231 million were imported and therefore -3.2% less in value and -4.4% less in volume than in the same month last year (July 2023). The average revenue is 188 €/hl, 3 € more than in the same month of the previous year (July 2023).01.09.2024
In June 2024, 1.113 million hl of wine worth € 213 million were imported and therefore -7.3% less in value and -5.0% less in volume than in the same month last year. The average revenue is 191 €/hl, -5 € less than in the same month of the previous year.01.08.2024
In May 2024, 1.082 million hl of wine worth € 209 million were imported and therefore -6.7% less in value and -3.4% less in volume than in the same month last year. The average revenue is 193 €/hl, -7 € less than in the same month of the previous year.01.07.2024
In April 2024, 1.218 million hl of wine worth € 220 million were imported and therefore 10.4% more in value and 4.4% more in volume than in the same month last year. The average price was 180 €/hl, -11 €/hl compared to April 2023.01.06.2024
In March 2024, 1.115 million hl of wine worth € 209 million were imported and therefore -13.1% less in value and 0.9% more in volume than in the same month last year. The average revenue is 187 €/hl.01.05.2024
In February 2024, 1.011 million hl of wine worth € 189 million were imported and therefore -8.4% less in value and -12.4% less in volume than in the same month last year. The average revenue is 187 €/hl.01.04.2024
In January 2024, 1.030 million hl of wine worth € 187 million were imported and therefore -11.8% less in value and 7.3% more in volume than in the same month last year. The average revenue is 182 €/hl.